Monday 5 October 2015

Annontation - DPS layout

Annotation of Double Page Spread Layout

The main typical conventions for a double page are the tile, main image and a story. The title is mainly found as the largest text on the page. This makes the title of the story stand out, and easily lets the consumer find the page quicker. There is always an image of who the story is about and this tends to be the biggest picture on the page. The shots are either a mid shot or a close up as this makes the artist more noticeable. The story is written in columns and are often interview styled. The font and colours used vary from artist to artist as the double page spread is based on the style and personality of the artist. For example the double page spread about Nicki Minaj is in pink and has big bold writing, this was used as she is represented as having a very girly character, and pink is a stereotypical girly colour. Another example is the double page spread about Beyonce is in purple and has very edgy font. This relates to Beyonce’s personality as purple is a royal colour and she is known as ‘Queen B’ and the edgy writing matches her and the name of the article as she is seen as a very strong and powerful woman. 

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